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Is the domestic drip irrigation equipment saturated ?

From:Xindacheng Date:2019-12-03 10:29:45 【 Font: Big Middle Small

Is the domestic drip irrigation equipment saturated ?

Today two high speed drip irrigaiton pipe produciton line (speed 300m/min, distance of dripper 100mm)They were loaded and sent to  customers of domestic companies respectively.This two companies. One is our company’s old cumtomer .Its the third time that to purchase the same style of high speed drip irrigation pipe production line in nearly a year .Although another company its the first time to purchase the equipment .But its also an industry“old acquaintance”.Two customers before started buying the equipment.They all mentioned that a number of domestic customer’s raised “concern”Such as is the domestic drip irrigation equipment saturated ?You can tell that they choose us with a grain of salt.As they added new equipment, the market did not shrink but widened even more.The corresponding market demand also urges them to install new equipment.The company more than ten years of drip irrigation pipe equipment production of sales experience .Europe and America decades of drip irrigation pipe product application history tells us.The market lack of high-quality drip irrigation pipe.So the market of high-quatity produciton lines will not be saturated .On the contrary . The saturation of the market comes from the excessive number of defective and low-quality

equipment. The user group that recognizes high-quality equipment keeps growing, and defective and low-quality equipment will eventually be eliminated by the market.