Xindacheng events

Delivery of the 4 sets of Drip pipe production line to our Uzbekistan client

From:Xindacheng Date:2019-12-31 13:08:14 【 Font: Big Middle Small

In the 2017 year, our Uzbekistan client bought 1 set of Flat drip irrigation pipe production line (200m/min.) and 1 set of Round drip irrigation pipe production line (80m/min), and also dripper molds, and this year they ordered from us 8 sets of Flat drip irrigation pipe production lines (320m/min) and dripper molds. With the short delivery date and heavy workload, all of our workers have worked hard, successfully delivered 4 sets of Drip irrigation pipe production lines and dripper molds on the 30th of December. And following that, there are still 4 sets Drip irrigation pipe production lines left, we will deliver the lines on time according to the requirements of our client.